Vagabond Adventure

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Pampa Lodge

Located in Torres del Paine, Chile

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“Our hotel was built in 2014, it is located in Pueblito Rio Serrano, 80 km away. from Puerto Natales, Pampa Lodge was designed in a way that it did not interfere with nature, making it part of the same environment, it is immersed between Ñirres, Wetlands and Rivers. It has a minimalist and rustic design, the decoration of the rooms was made with recovered wood and decorative looms made by artisans.”

Contact and information

Tel: +56953162911

Learn More and Book a Reservation at Pampa

Chip’s Notes

Well worth the hike we made from Hosteria del Torres on our way to our horseback riding adventure in Torres. Excellent food. Highly recommended. Read about our day of riding.

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