Luciano Galvez Martinez - Local Guide

Located in Puerto Natales, Chile


Luciano is an experienced world traveler who can provide excellent guidance through Patagonia. 

Contact and information

Please reach out to us directly to put you in contact with Luciano.

Chip’s Notes

I met Luciano when he was working on the Hurtigruten voyage to Lima as its historian. While talking with him, I mentioned we would be heading through Patagonia on our way to Antarctica and he said he grew up in Puerto Natales, the gateway to Patagonia. “When you get there, I’ll set you up,” he said. And boy did he! His knowledge and attention to detail make him one of the best guides I’ve ever encountered. He speaks flawless English, is articulate, multi-talented and immensely knowledgeable. I highly recommend you seek him out if you plan to do any exploring in Patagonia and Tierra del Fuego. He’s been everywhere.

He’s also a fine musician.

You can read about our experience with Luciano hiking above Laguna Sofia Patagon in the Vagabond Journal on Day 498.


Pampa Lodge


Riverline Lodge