Hotel Riviera Inka Paracas

Located in Paracas, Peru


“The hotel is modern, has 23 very comfortable rooms, on three levels, on the fourth level is the dining room and a beautiful view of the sea and the two piers where the boats leave for the Ballestas Islands. The location is central, it is 50 meters from the Main Square of Paracas, the Boulevard of restaurants and the handicraft market. From the hotel you can book tours to the Ballestas Islands, sand carts and massage sessions.

The breakfast is varied and has varieties of juices and fruits in addition to hot drinks and dishes in the background. The rooms have wireless internet, wired and smart tv televisions. In addition there is a varied selection of nature and adventure tours in the bay as in the Paracas Natural Reserve.”

Contact and information

tel: 056 533003

Chip’s Notes

There isn’t much in Paracas, but we loved the bay and the National Parque that allowed us to get this fabulous image. It’s a fine midline hotel and it will serve you well. You’ll love the small fishing village which has restaurant after restaurant delivering delicious fresh seafood. There is nothing like fresh Peruvian (and Chilean) Ceviche that we ate all along the Pacific Coast.


Paracas National Reserve


Pullman Lima Miraflores Hotel, Lima