Vagabond Adventure

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Day 529 - Re-crossing the Drake Passage to Ushuaia

Arrival in Ushuaia

We arrive back in Ushuaia, a place we once considered so far south, now over 500 miles north of the Antarctic peninsula.

It’s not easy to part ways with all our new friends: Elizabeth from Virginia, Kent from Florida, Jing from Tokyo, Elena from Milan, Patty and Reiner.

When heading across the Drake, Shane Evoy the master of all of guides, raised his glass on deck five, and the passengers whooped and thanked the crew for four truly glorious days at the edges of the 7th continent. The last night the staff throws a party and everyone does the conga. We agree to stay in touch. Hugs all around.

Earlier, I watched the Ocean Diamond steam into the Drake's rolling seas and realized how much I would miss those magnificent mountains draped in thousands of feet of whipped and brilliant snow. Soon there would be no more gargantuan icebergs, no more spouting whales, or lollygagging seals, or perky child-like penguins waddling on shore and leaping lemming like into the icy waters. I feared I would never see anything like it again. But hoped I’d never forget.

The next morning when we debarked, the crew applauded each passenger as they headed off the gangplank, and we passengers returned the complement with waves and fist bumps.

Most people will be heading home. The crew will do one more trip to Antarctica for the season and we will continue our Vagabond Adventure. Even though we had traveled over 70,000 miles, we were less than a quarter of the way through our adventure. Next up: something completely different... a series of bus rides that will take us north to Buenos Aires. I can’t say what surprises that will bring. Stay tuned.