Vagabond Adventure

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Day 528 - Re-crossing the Drake Passage to Ushuaia

The Oceans Meet

In the middle of the Drake again. And again the swells do what they do. Three oceans meet as we cross the Drake Passage: the Pacific, Atlantic and Southern. We were told these seas were "interesting" but relatively calm. Our swells reached about 25 feet, but they can get as high as 60 and many ships have met their fate here since the British explorer, and sometimes pirate, Sir Francis Drake first sailed them. As far as we know, no native peoples from South America tried the crossing, though there is some evidence now that the Maori of New Zealand may have made it to Antarctica. If they did, they didn't hang out for long. Nobody can.

But that didn't bother Ocean Diamond's passengers and crew who finished dinner with cakes and drinks and a conga line that roped its way all through the dining room. Everyone was sorry to depart, but that didn't mean they weren't going to have a good time going out!