Days 417 - 418 - San Pedro de Atacama, Chile

Day 417

The terrain between Iquique and San Pedro d’Atacama is desiccated and wild, almost alien. But when we came over this ridge into the Atacama Valley with its sprawling desert and magnificent volcanoes, we were stunned.

Day 418

Our first full day in the Atacama Desert- the driest place on earth with less than an inch of rainfall per year-we explored Valle de la Luna, the Valley of the Moon so named because of its unearthly landscape. Later we watched the sunset over a portion of the valley called Coyote Point. Some say the name comes from the terrain where the famous battles between Cartoon characters Wiley Coyote and the Road Runner took place (one of my favorites). I have to say, it does look familiar! And terribly beautiful.


Day 419 - Antofagasta, Chile


Day 416 - Iquique, Chile