Vagabond Adventure

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Days 412 - 416 - Arica, Chile

Day 412

We arrived at a small eco-hotel in Arica-the Hotel Apacheta— highly recommended. This was the sunset as we settled into our room and the view of the rocky volcanic coastline outside our door. Heaven. There are also beautiful beaches nearby.

Day 414

We spent a few days in Arica, enjoying the Pacific, catching up on work, exploring the town a bit. We entered a mall and thought we were in the United States! Almost all US stores. Along the road we saw an Arica version of the Pittsburgh chair 😊. And every day the sunsets were spectacular.

Day 416

We leave Arica and this beautiful sanctuary with this video of ocean, birds, clams and crab as we next go in search of the mummies of the Chinchorro people of ancient Chile.