Vagabond Adventure

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Kalma Restaurant

Located in Ushuaia, Argentina


“The sum of experiences in the professional cooking, the desire to bring the personal touch to a project that reflects a whole way of doing, thinking and being into the world of gastronomy. Thus arose Kalma Resto, by Jorge Monopoli. An articulation of knowledge that is more than the sum of its parts.

Kalma is calm, it's intimate. A small space, just 24 seats, personal attention, varied accompanying music. The goal, getting beyond what is strictly gastronomic, generating experiences.”

Contact and information

tel: +00 54 2901 425786

Gdor. Valdez 293
CP V9410IEA, Ushuaia

Chip’s Notes

High end dining for Chile, but the food was excellent. In fact, one of the finest restaurants I have ever dined in. An eclectic and creative menu that apparently changes daily. Sits above the town, a bit out of the way, but walkable. Reservations recommended.

We spent a lot of time in Ushuaia bookending our Antarctic cruise. There’s more to be added to the Vagabond Journal, but for now, you can start in Ushuaia with our experience from Day 512.