Casa Andina Standard (Puno)

Located in Puno, Peru


A small cafe with skylights. Two square tables sit to the right. A ramp to upper levels on the left with stairs between

“The hotel is located only 7 minutes away from the Plaza de Armas [Main Square] of Puno. This cozy, safe, and spacious hotel has common areas such as a living room and a yard. It also has 50 comfortable and 100% non-smoking rooms, an internet cetner, and free Wi-Fi. The Puno Sama Restaurant & Cafe offers a breakfast buffet with free extras and a variety of dishes.”

Contact and information

Casa Andina Standard (Puno)

Jr. Independecia 143, Puno
Tel: 051-367 803 / 951 751 199

Chip’s Notes

Casa Andina is a hotel chain that we stayed at in Nasca, Arequipa, and Puno — the Holiday Inn of Peru. They are all clean, safe, well run, with excellent breakfasts. Each varies slightly, but are all very solid and ideally located. Highly recommended.


Andean Explorer


Casa Andina Standard (Arequipa)