The Vagabond Library
Reach up, reach in, reach beyond, reach out.
Articles Guaranteed to Stretch Your Mind
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with curious people like you.
My Moroccan Ha-Ma-Ma-Maaamm
I’m a shy man. I could spend days happily alone, in a monk-like stupor. It’s very likely one of the reasons I’m a writer rather than an actor or circus performer. If I had to be either Siegfried or Roy I’d probably fail at both. No, for me a good day is hunkering down with my keyboard to tap out words, preferably in an order that makes some sense to others. Occasionally I succeed. But I also have this taste for novelty and travel because, after all, arent novelty and new places two peas in a pod? Now and then, though, my curiosity leads to more than I bargained for … like my first Hammam.